Sunday, 24 February 2013


"Misunderstanding" jangan dipandang remeh...
Assalamualaikum bro and sis....

Misunderstanding: "A failure to understand something correctly from both side of party."

I always remind myself not to get into any kind of misunderstanding, but there you go...

Eh... This "Misunderstanding" is something like... eh... I dunno how to explain.... eh...

Ha ha, why so many "Eh" eh??

Anyway, let me list down the "Feeling" or "What's on your@my mind" before you realize that you experiencing Misunderstanding...

1. You start to assume something bad to that person or party...

- "Oh, maybe I did something wrong to them.","Maybe they want to avoid me", and so on... Oh the agony!!! This is what will happen when you didn't explain clearly to your family, friends, and YES, your Lover about your condition or situation.

2. Mad

- It's kinda maddening when you do not know what is going on or the situation at the other side of the party.

3. Hating.

- No need to explain.. You know "hate" already... Even war in the past happened mostly because of misunderstanding.

I think datuk Einstein also experience "Misunderstanding"... Kenapa, ndak percaya ke?? Ask Google himself/herself.. 
(Google doesn't have gender... lilz...)

I suggest that you should experience this "Misunderstanding", because you can avoid this situation in the future.

I wish Innovator exist in this world... They can easily avoid from involving themselves into misunderstanding... Ha ha, just my imaginations.. :p

That's all from me..

Goodnight, and May Peace be Upon You all.