At last...
It's been a while (Nope, ETERNITY!)
How have you been?
I've been busy being dead, you know, because of the project and assignment.
Sorry about the mess, I've really let the place go since "uni life" killed me.
Honestly, I don't have any idea on what topic or story that I want to post on my blog, so I start with this one...
Happy reading...
General Characteristics
Clumsy.. P.s: I don't Smoke okay
positive traits: you are friendly, persuasive, empathic, generous, reflective.
Potential pitfalls: you may be indecisive, moody, manipulative, have a tendency to get too personal.
Name: Ali Hashim Bin Malihi
Pronunciation: A Li Has Him Bin Malihi
Name Origin: My parent named me for unknown reason.
Name Meaning:The highest, greatest, excellent, noble
Other Names: Aliw, Ali, Asim, Hashim.
Titles: None
Alternate Forms: I don't have one, except for my personality.
Social Security Number: I don't know.
ID Number: 930116-13-xxxx
Theme Song: Depend on my mood, SING by MCR (When I'm feeling happy),
Romance d'amor (When I'm feeling sad), Na Na Na by MCR (When I'm feeling crazy)
Zodiac: I don't play with this zodiac thingy...
Personal Characteristics
Birth Date: 16/1/1993
Birth Name: Ali Hashim
Birth Place: Mukah or Dalat? Probably Mukah.
Birth Weight: Dunno
Birth Length: Dunno
Manner of Birth: Dunno
First Words: UWWAAAAAAAA!!!!! (I was crying LoL)
Death Date:
Age at Death:
Death Place:
Resting Place:
Manner of Death:
Last Words:
(I leave this part blank because I don't know when, how, where will I die.)
Primary Objective: To be the pale chocolate dot who will contribute good things to others.
Secondary Objectives: To die in the future.
Priorities: Families
Motivation: Families
Accomplishments: So far.... NOPE.
Greatest Achievement: Born into this "harsh" world.
Failures: Many.
Biggest Failure(s): MANY...
Self-Confidence: less
Traumas: Killing a kitten
Afflictions: 5/6/2013, recently checked my mark for my CCN assignment, sadly got ZERO.
Embarrassments: Many.
Worries: This upcoming final exam
Soothers: hearing soothing song.
Instigators: seen a dead cat.
Earliest Memory: errr, I don't know which one is my earliest memory right now.
Fondest Memory: mostly my childhood memories.
Worst Memory: many.
Favorite Dream: emm, I can't recall that dream.
Worst Nightmare: Many, mostly involve me in a dire situation.(eg: kena hempap bangunan, something like that.)
Desires: I desire many things.
Wishes: Bird, I want to be a bird.
Regrets: Many.
Secrets: -------------------------------------------------------
Confidantes: No one.
Soft Spots: My naiveness
Cruel Streaks: -------------------------------------------------------------
Musical Instrument: guitar
Quirks: My personality
Dominant Hand: right
Catchphrase: "mana2 jak"
Autograph: looks ugly
Mental Characteristics
IQ: ???
Known Languages: Malay, English, Melanau, Melayu Sarawak
Lures: Technology, gadget, games.
Manias: Internet maniac
Memory: I can remember somethings that very important, other than that, STML.
Phobias: Blood. A lot of blood.
Savvies: Videos editing, sketching cartoons/things.
Ineptities: Mathematics
Temperament: Choleric maybe.
Hobbies: Surfing Internet
Pet Peeves: many, eg: people who leaving my room without closing the door.
Intellectual Characteristics
Logical-Mathematical: Intermediate
Spatial: Can create an image in my mind very well
Linguistic: Intermediate, depend on which language.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: I can control my body very well.
Musical: I can follow the flow of the music beats.
Interpersonal: Depend on that person, if he/she is a stranger to me, I can't interact well.
Intrapersonal:I always figured what kind of person I was, but it appears I was wrong.
Naturalistic: Very well.
Existential: kinda lame on this part.
Philosophical Characteristics
Morality: Moral Realism.
Etiquette: do good things and avoid bad things.
Attitude: depend on the person who interact with me.
Outlook on Life: To live it.
Perception: Optimistically and Realistically. Life is tough yet adventurous.
Standpoint: The world is small, like a pale blue dot.
Philosophy: "For every failing sun, there's a morning after, there's ups and downs in life, and remember that you'll never fight alone"
Political Party: Hell no!
Taboos: Smoking
Spiritual Characteristics
Animal: Cat and bird.
Religion: Islam is the one and only.
Devotion: Moderate, but I will make an improvement.
Superstitions: I don't believe on superstitions.
Virtues: Fair-dealing and tolerance.
Vices: Worldliness.
Supernatural Characteristics (SERIOUSLY?!)
Ability: ????
Element: Element of craziness
Immunities: immune to insult, DOTA, GTA, Counter-Strike, NFS.
Futilities: Breath underwater and flying without using any equipment.
Restrictions: Can't be a crazy person when parent is around.
Origin: Somewhere far, far away...... xD
Source: The "other" me.
Highs and Lows
Likes: Cats, oh yes cats, gadget, technology, cars, football, games, quantum-physics.
Dislikes: Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber, fb games request.

Favorite Actor: Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp.
Favorite Animal: Cats
Favorite Arts: Sketching.
Favorite Band: MCR
Favorite Book: Face"Book"
Favorite Color: Green, white, and black.
Favorite Country: Malaysia
Favorite Drink: Green tea, Ice lemon tea, and coffee o peng
Favorite Excuse: "Tak tau", "malas saya".
Favorite Food: My mom's cooking, mee goreng basah.
Favorite Flavor: Green tea.
Favorite Movie: Many.
Favorite Musical Genre: Many.
Favorite Mythical Creature: Pokemon, Digimon.
Favorite Number: 36
Favorite Pastime: surfing Internet.
Favorite People: My Families and my friends.
Favorite Place: My Room.
Favorite Quote: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
Favorite Restaurant: My Kitchen
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Song: Many
Favorite Store: Many
Favorite Story Genre: Historical, mostly on biography.
Favorite Subject: Physics
Favorite TV Show: Many
Favorite Words: Okay
Least Favorite Actor: Justin Bieber(?!)
Least Favorite Animal: Llamas, LALAMAS!!!!
Least Favorite Arts: Art of Destruction.
Least Favorite Band: One Direction
Least Favorite Book: "Thick"book
Least Favorite Color: Blue
Least Favorite Country: Israel
Least Favorite Drink: Soya bean
Least Favorite Excuse: ????
Least Favorite Food: I don't know? I can consume any kind of food except non-halal.
Least Favorite Flavor: Strawberry
Least Favorite Movie: boring movie, OBVIOUSLY!
Least Favorite Musical Genre: Pop
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: I don't know.
Least Favorite Number: 101
Least Favorite Pastime: doing nothing.
Least Favorite People: strangers.
Least Favorite Place: dunno.
Least Favorite Quote: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Least Favorite Restaurant: KFC
Least Favorite Season: Summer
Least Favorite Song: One Direction's songs, Justin Bieber's songs.
Least Favorite Store: Funiture store.
Least Favorite Story Genre: Paranoid
Least Favorite Subject: Geography
Least Favorite TV Show: Many
Least Favorite Words: I.
Accessories: I don't wear accessories.
Dress Style: Simple and clumsy.
Equipment: Backpack, laptop, mobile phone.
Most Prized Possession: Secret.
Most Valuable Possession: Secret.
Trinkets: Secret.
Wardrobe: Nerdy, simple and casual.
Social Characteristics
Communication: Straight-forward and metaphors
Criminal Record: Killing animals?
Discriminations: Emmm.. I don't know.
Dominance: I prefer subordinate.
Ego: Sometimes.
Emotional Stability: None at all.
Expression: By just saying it.
Humor: Farting, silently. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Liveliness: Do things only what I have to do, and sometimes I can sleep for entire days
Mannerisms: Creepy and crazy
Patience: Very patient
Reputation: They think that I'm a crazy person.
Sociability: A loner
Status: 50% Quiet, 50% Lousy
Style: Simple.
Compliments: "You're crazy"
Insults: "You're crazy"
Emotional Status: 50% Crazy, 50% Lackadaisical
Expletives: I prefer silent.
Mood: Pensive
State of Mind: Over-thinking
Words: "Seriously?!"
Farewells: Bye, ciao...
Greetings: Hello! Hi! Yo Bro!
Average Grade: B and C
Degrees: UNIMAS, Multimedia Computing degree
Education: Primary and secondary schools, Matriculation, University
Extracurricular: Many
Graduating Year: Primary School(2005), Secondary School (2010), Matriculation (2012)
School: SK Saint Patrick, SK Mukah, SMK Mukah, Labuan Matriculation College
Special Education: Special Education? Meh...
Study Habits: I study when I'm in the mood for study.
Intrapersonal Connections
Immediate Family: My Mom, Dad and my little Sister
Close Relatives: Bapa Saudara, at Sebuyau.
Distant Relatives: I don't know
Ancestors: I don't know.
Acquaintances: Classmate, Lecturer
Allegiance: My University, PERTEKMA.
Allies: College-mate.
Enemies: The enemies of my allies is my enemies.
Followers: I don't have any followers.
Friends: Jayrome John, Mohd Hazim, Nigel Quadrix.
Heroes: Iron Man
Inspirations: Albert Einstein.
Pets: Cats.
Rivals: Secret
Role Models: ??????
Subordinates: ??????
My name is Bruce, Bruce Alee... xD
Signature Move: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
Specialty: avoid fighting
Special Attack: Attack Indiscriminately.
Strengths: I don't know.
Weaknesses: Coward.
Summon Level: What do you mean? Summon toad like Naruto?
Threat Level: 0.
Physical Characteristics
Species: Human. OBVIOUSLY!
Nationality: Malaysian
Skin Color: Dark Skin
Height: in 164cm
Weight: lbs 71kg
Scars: Right foot.
Piercings: Don't have any.
Tattoos: Don't have any.
Hat Size: 9-10
Shirt Size: M-XL
Waist Size: 33-35
Shoe Size: 7-8
Face Shape: oval
Hair Color: black.
Hair Length: medium.
Hair Type: Straight
Hair Style: Messy
Widow's Peak: nope.
Eyebrows: Thick.
Facial Hair: Mustache
Ear Type: Human Ear
Ear Shape: Loop
Eye Type: Round
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Nose Shape: I don't know
Nose Color: Dark skin
Teeth: Omnivorous.
Health and Fitness
Abnormalities: None
Addictions: None.
Aids: Glasses
Allergies: None
Augmentations: None
Broken Bones: None
Conditions: Lack of stamina
Diseases: None
Disorders: STML
Extra Anatomy: None
Handicaps: None
Medication: None
Vulnerabilities: Running Nose
Reason for Health: None
Birthmarks: I don't know
Blood Type: O
Dexterity: Slow
Diet: ????
Exercise: Rarely
Figure: Fat
Fitness: Low
Hygiene: Ok
Martial Arts: Basic CQC
Maximum Load: 3-5kg
Posture: Normal
Scent: Errrrr...
Somatotype: ectomorphic
Residential Characteristics
Citizenship: Malaysian
Culture: Melanau boy
Hometown: Dalat
Sleep Patterns: Varies.
Extrauniversal Information
50% Yuta Takemoto, 50% Morita Shinobu. (Both from Honey &Clover)
Desired Voice Actor: Nope.
Inspiration: Setsuna f. Seiei, Onizuka Eikichi
MBIT Personality Type: ISFJ
Anima: Act normal, sometimes crazy.
Persona: become quiet.
First Impressions: Nerd.
Strangers' Impressions: Nerd
Friends' Impressions: Crazy
Family's Impressions: Lazy
Self Impression: Normal
Authority's Impressions: Errrrr?
Associates' Impressions: Hardworking maybe? I don't know...
Lover's Impression: I dunno
Creator's Impression: Donno
Post Mortem Impression: Emmmm.
Infancy: Adventurous, playful, lousy.
Childhood: Playful.
Adolescence: Lazy, quiet, friendly
Adulthood: I dunno.
Seniority: I dunno.
I'm may be not the same person as I describe above in the future, as my goal right now is to IMPROVE myself.
May peace be upon you.
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