Nenek(sebelah mak) saya ni seorang yang agak tegas, dan garang, macam mak saya. I can barely recall the memory about my nenek. One thing that I can recall, it was me and my nenek, nenek temankan sy pergi ke rumah tok guru, tempat saya membaca iqra' suatu ketika dahulu. Alhamdulillah, tok guru masih sihat sampai sekarang, dan masih mengajar budak2 mengaji. During that time, Malaysia was striked with haze problem. So my mom sewed me a mask, so I could protected myself from the haze.
And there is one memory about my nenek that I will always remember. She passed away on that day, but I thought she was sleeping, and I kept saying that nenek was fine, nenek sihat. And I don't even cried on that day. Maybe I cried but I can't recall that moment. But, I just can't believe that my nenek just passed away on that day. After all, I'm just a kid that doesn't have any idea about what happened to my nenek.
Okay, Nenek(sebelah ayah) pulak, dia baik sangat. Bila kitorang balik kpg sebelah ayah, mmg kenyang makan food yg dia masak. Hahahhaah, best! Ohh, and fyi, she is a cat lover. There's one time when she was back from performing haji at Makkah, her cat was missing, and sebab tu je, dia merajuk. Dia sayang sangat ngan kucing dia.
Waktu dia jatuh sakit, kitorang selalu lawat dia kat hospital. Dia kena strok kalau tak silap. Then a few days later, doctor kata dah tak boleh buat apa2, so kitorang famili bawa nenek balik rumah, mmg dah ajal nenek hari tu, sy lihat sendiri, nenek hembus nafas terakhir, depan2 mata sy, sy nangis, sy dah tak tau nak buat apa dah. Sy nangis.
Datuk sebelah mak dan ayah mmg tak pernah jumpa, or tak dpt ingat. Bagi korang yg ada nenek tu, hargai lah diorang, sbb diorang jaga mak and abah korang jadi awesome sampai hari ni.