Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Meja Makan Student Pavilion



Maybe y'all notice that tajuk post ni macam pelik. Maybe korang tengah fikir, tengah agak yang aku tengah duduk, makan kat student Pavilion unimas. Kalau tajuk post nampak pelik, that's mean, this is the "rant of the day" post. Tajuk takde kaitan ngan content. So, kalau korang tak suka baca post about ranting, close button ada je kat tab browser tu. Close la, takde orang paksa ko baca post ni.

So, right now. No. Lama dah isu ni berpaut di jiwa ni. FYI, I have "trust issue". Yep. Trust issue. Aku dah letih nak percaya ngan org2 yg aku kenal. Apa lagi strangers kan. Even ngan kawan rapat. You know why? Cuz of that asshole, the most hideous ugliest asshole on Earth!! I don't even acknowledge this person as a man. He is an asshole. AN ASSHOLE. A.S.S.H.O.L.E!!!! A fucking ASSSSSSSHOOOOLEEEEE!!! The most childish person on Earth I ever met. I asked him to shut his mouth. NOOOOOO. Maybe he didn't understand what am I saying. Yea, mula dari hari tu, aku tak pernah share my deepest secret ngan org lain. Kawan. Orang yang aku sayang. Famili. I don't even share my problem, concern, a lot. I just keep it to myself. Bila dah tak tahan, I express my problem to the one that I love. I tried to move on and start to trust someone. But I can't. Share secret ngan kucing lagi bagus. For me, kucing is the most trusted companion. Haha. Ngrepak Ali, ngrepak.

Maybe korang kata "not all people are same." yea, if you're in my shoes, you'll understand. That feeling when someone betrayed you, backstab you in front of your face, you'll understand what I felt on that day. No apology for you, asshole. Sampai mati aku tak maafkan ko.

So now you know why I go solo ja bila nak makan, bila jalan gi pasar, tak ajak kawan. Well, mun sidak ajak, aku join. Mun sik, aku polah kerja sorang2. Susah kan, sbb trust issue je terpaksa pilih kawan betul2. Before that tragedy happened, saya ada banyak kawan, even strangers pun boleh jadi kawan. But now, it take times to trust everyone. Entah la. Aku ni jenis yang susah move on kot.

Chicken chop dah abis sapu. So? Ciao.


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