Saturday, 16 April 2016

Being honest

After watching this anime, I felt like.... I've done the wrong things about 'jaga hati manusia sekeliling'. Yeah, words sometimes hurts people, but lying just nak jaga hati orang, tu lagi salah. Because you telling a wrong fact to someone and it might cause some trouble for them in future. FUCK ME RIGHT! I ALWAYS DO THIS! Tipu so that org tu tak terasa konon, padahal aku simpan apa yang aku rasa, the truth, then semua benda melimpah keluar dari botol sebab banyak sangat benda yg tersimpan sampai botol tak muat, last2 pecah. Lagi2 masa tu aku tak terfikir side effect kat org yang aku dah tipu.

Yeah, sometimes it hurts when hearing the truth, but are you willing to suffer later because of lies that someone tells to you in order to avoid hurting your feeling? No, right? But in reality people kept do this things because they sick of watching people react to the truth. Most of them can't face the truth, then they kept bitching around about it.

So, from now on, I'm just going to be honest, not that brutal honest, cause it can brutally hurts people lol.

1 comment:

  1. yup so damn honest person...x suka hypocrite...huhu..klau x suka just say kat dpn2..x yah nak kutuk2 kat blkang..
