Thursday, 5 March 2015


I'm an Asshole, fullstops.

Aku patut tunggu, tapi tak. And I know i screwed it up, I fucked it up. Aku patut slow2 bila nak tanya benda2 camtu, maybe dia betul, aku paksa dia jawab soalan yg sepatutnya dia dah explain few weeks ago. Now I'm a bit ok but not her. Aku tak tau dia letih sebab meeting tadi, aku taktau ada 2 meeting. How inconsiderate of me. But aku nak tunggu sampai bila? Sampai dia lupa pasal hal tu? I don't even care if the answer will hurt me walaupun tu bukan pasal aku, I just want to move on, I don't want to think and assume things yg dah ada jawapan. That's why I ask again. that's why. Sbb aku takut benda2 yang aku sendiri tak pasti will attach me and affect my future with other that want me. If betul la rasa sayang tu hilang, then I gladly accept it after this. Aku patut tanya baik2. I don't want to repeat the same mistake that I did to Azah few years ago. I just assuming things and started to hate her for what she did to me. Sepatutnya aku tak patut marah dia, sbb dia ada masalah, and by being mad at her just add up her problem.

I'm really sorry, dan sy patut tunggu untuk tanya soalan tu.


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