Thursday, 7 May 2015


Why do people throw away someone that care for them out of their lives?

Why do people tell lies to other?
Why can't they just tell the truth?
Why do people think that silence is the best way to solve problem?
Why can't they show a little effort to solve the problem and choose to stay silent as the last resort?
Why this shit happen to me? I knew everything happened for a reason. I just wished the reason would hurry up and make itself known. Why? What could have gone wrong? I did the best I could, still the same shit happened to me again.
Telling lies and being silent won't help me going throught the recovery process. Letting me sort this shit out alone will make things worse.
And honestly, I hate people who avoid me when I'm at my worst and approach me when I'm at my best. I hate being used. I FUCKING HATE IT.
How do I feel right now? Like a living husk, my soul, my essence has been suck out completely by irresponsible people, asshole people, the kind who think that lying and stay silent are the best way to solve the fucking problem.
If you, yeah YOU, want to solve the problem, then do it properly.

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