Sunday, 3 May 2015


Living alone is much more enjoyable than living with someone else.

Yeah I know, all of us need society of other people to feel happy, bla bla bla whatever. For me, it is quite annoying so far. For the past 3 years, I've meet many different kind of roommate, but they have one thing in common, HIDUP IKUT PALA OTAK DIORANG SENDIRI. I mean, seriously guys, we live in a fucking house, not in some kind of dormitory. Kat asrama terpulang ngan korang la nak hidup mcm mana. Takde orang ambil peduli. And it is totally different from house. kat dalam rumah kita kongsi barang, kongsi food tu semua, kalau ada transport kita kongsi transport. Tapi masalahnya korang still hidup macam dalam asrama, amal konsep "Aku, aku. Kau, kau.". Tegur kemain lantang, action takda langsung. Pathetic. 

If I own a billion ringgit right now, I'll buy my own house and live ALONE, without FUCKING roommate. I can spend my time to do whatever I want to. I can listen to my favorite music out loud and no one will complain about it.

I'm not saying that all roommate that I've meet are bad. Well, those 3 guys during my Matriculation study are the most awesome roommate I've ever meet. We helped each other. Sometimes, they buy some foods and share it with others. They even help me sidai kain kat jemuran kot. Sekarang ni, the only person that you can depend on is yourself, takyah nak letak harapan tinggi tinggi sebab roommate takkan tolong kau punya. Haih, how I miss the old days.

Apa yg aku boleh buat sekarang? Sabar. tu je.

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